Page 217 - Haddonstone Gesamtkatalog 2018
P. 217
The aim of the Independent Installer
Scheme is to provide a list of
independent installers who have
successfully installed Haddonstone in
the UK. At Haddonstone we encourage
independent installers to fully understand
our products and how best they can be
installed. A member of the Independent
Installer Scheme will:
1. Uphold the ethos of high standards, quality and customer service
associated with Haddonstone.
2. Attend Haddonstone in-house training and/or have previously installed
Haddonstone products to a high standard.
3. Provide satisfactory trade and credit references to Haddonstone.
4. Provide Haddonstone with annual proof of Public Liability insurance.
5. Carry out works in a safe manner, observing relevant Health and
Safety procedures and law.
6. Understand the importance of communication with customers from
initial quotation to completion and beyond and will endeavour to reply
to any communication within 48 hours (excluding weekends and Haddonstone was awarded the prestigious International Green Apple Gold Award
statutory holidays). (Building Materials) for Environmental Best Practice and Sustainable Development
7. Not request a deposit greater than 10% of the value of the stonework by the Green Organisation for restoration work at Scarborough Spa.
prior to delivery by Haddonstone on site.
8. Confirm complete independence from Haddonstone. ENVIRONMENTAL &
It is important to remember that, in using any independent installer
on the Independent Installer Scheme list, Haddonstone remains the SUSTAINABILITY POLICY
stone supplier only and there is no warranty implied or intended as to
the quality of the workmanship provided by any independent installer Haddonstone is committed to an Environmental & Sustainability
whose name Haddonstone provides. The client must ensure that they Management System to ensure that work activity processes do not
have independently satisfied themselves that the independent installer is make a significant impact on the environment. A copy of the full
appropriate and capable of carrying out any required works. Environmental & Sustainability Policy is available on request.
Best environmental practice is adopted wherever possible.
MEETING THE STANDARDS Haddonstone undertakes the management of finite, naturally occurring
resources by balancing needs with future sustainability. Objectives
include: energy conservation; resource conservation; reducing pollution;
Haddonstone recognises the exacting requirements of its customers, waste reduction and re-cycling; and the minimisation of hazardous
both private and professional, and an ongoing research and substance use. As a result, all environmental and sustainability aspects
development programme ensures that the highest standards are are identified and, where necessary, controlled to minimise or eliminate
their e ect on the environment.
In 1991, Haddonstone was a founder member of the United Kingdom
Cast Stone Association (UKCSA). The Association defines strict levels POINTING MIX
of technical performance, which are set out in the UKCSA Technical
Manual. Haddonstone’s minimum compressive cube strength at 28 Haddonstone’s pointing mixes are used to achieve a good colour
days is greater than 35 MPa, whilst TecStone’s is greater than 45 MPa. match in joints between components. They are totally unsuitable for
Both materials therefore exceed the requirements of the UKCSA use as a bedding mix. Pointing mix is mixed by hand to achieve the
specification and comply with the requirements of BS 1217: 2008, best match to Haddonstone, TecStone or TecLite in terms of both
BS 5642-2: 1983 + A1 2014 and BS EN 13198: 2003. In addition, colour and texture. See Haddonstone’s “Pointing Recommendations
TecStone — a denser material with a smoother finish to meet
demanding design and performance criteria — also exceeds
the requirements of ASTM C1364-17 Standard Specification for
Architectural Cast Stone in the United States of America.
As part of Haddonstone’s Quality Assurance procedures, the materials
are regularly tested both in the company’s own laboratory and by To provide professional clients with every assistance in the use of
recognised independent laboratories. Thus, customers may have every Haddonstone, the company has produced a comprehensive range
confidence that the quality and durability of Haddonstone, TecStone of Technical Sheets. These are available by request.
and TecLite materials will meet their needs.
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