Page 212 - Haddonstone Gesamtkatalog 2018
P. 212
Haddonstone is a unique form of cast limestone with a surface texture HADDONSTONE CAN MANUFACTURE
similar to Portland stone or natural limestone. In a number of important
ways Haddonstone is markedly superior, one of its greatest advantages ARCHITECTURAL STONE PIECES TO
being price, which, piece for piece, is normally significantly less than that PRACTICALLY ANY SHAPE OR SIZE. THE ONLY
of quarried stone. Haddonstone is able to offer three high-specification
cast stone options in both the UK and USA: CONSTRAINT IS YOUR IMAGINATION.
Haddonstone (Semi-dry cast limestone)
Haddonstone has a vast range of standard architectural components.
Haddonstone replicates the texture, feel and strength of Portland and Alternatively, by utilising the company’s extensive mould shop and
Bath stone. It weathers beautifully to become virtually indistinguishable manufactory, Haddonstone can produce custom-made items,
from its quarried stone equivalent, making it ideal for decorative replicating simple or intricate designs, to individual specifications in
ornamental and architectural designs. The principal materials for semi- any quantity.
dry cast Haddonstone are limestone, white cement and sand. The mix
has the feel of damp sand or earth. The stone is packed into the mould In both Colorado and Northamptonshire, the company has in-house
using a number of ingeniously crafted tools. This is done by hand or studios specialising in the creation of both wooden models and moulds
by using pneumatic hand rammers. No finishing is required due to the as well as a fibre-glass and rubber moulds. In addition, the company
quality of mould manufacture and casting. has in-house specialists capable of creating new designs, or restoring
damaged originals, so that new replacements can be made.
Haddonstone originally relied on the vagaries of the English climate
to ensure that the stone cured correctly. However, the effects of The expertise of Haddonstone’s craftsmen, together with on-going
temperature, precipitation and wind made this a very inexact science. investment in research and development of state-of-the-art mould-
For this reason, the company introduced a vapour curing system in 1999 making and casting technology, equips the company to solve most
that gives the stone the equivalent of fourteen days strength overnight. problems ~ including the constant need to contain costs.
Not only does this give the company a guaranteed curing system, it also
reduces delivery lead times and handling issues. If you are involved with commercial developments, private housing,
refurbishment or restoration, Haddonstone has Technical Departments
TecStone (wet-cast limestone) in the UK and USA, manned by experienced staff, who would be
pleased to discuss your requirements.
Haddonstone also manufactures products by a wet-cast process, called
TecStone. Here, the mix is poured into the mould. This process gives While experts have, more than once, confused Haddonstone with
a finish, once acid etched, much more akin to Coade stone and is ideal carved stone, a glance at the company’s prices would have made such
for larger architectural products, flooring, fireplaces, complex statuary confusion impossible!
and contemporary designs where clients prefer a surface finish which
does not weather quickly. TecStone is a high specification stone
incorporating reinforcement if required in structural situations as well as
cast in fixings. Designed to meet demanding design and performance
criteria for commercial projects and large or small scale individual private
developments. Hand finishing is required to ensure a quality product.
TecLite (fibre-reinforced)
Although TecLite closely resembles traditional cast stone and natural
stone in appearance, the use of thin wall construction and GRC/GFRC
technology means component weight is reduced by approximately two
thirds when compared with similar Haddonstone and TecStone pieces.
TecLite is a cement based material containing alkali-resistant glass
fibre which benefits from a high strength to weight ratio. Architectural
products made by the TecLite process are ideal for retro-fit, timber-
frame and new build projects.
TecLite products are robust and lightweight and can be used in
conjunction with Haddonstone architectural components. TecLite
products can be used to achieve the same crisp detailing normally only
associated with Haddonstone designs.
Technical Data Sheets available for Haddonstone, TecStone and TecLite
TecStone (wet-cast) production.
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